Wiki Shylmirid



Arcane Bond : The Ritualist must choose Spellbook Familiar as is Arcane Bond. However the Implement bonus does not apply to Enchantment and Necromancy spells. Instead it apply on all Spells related to : Guard, Seal, Runes, Symbols, Paper, Books, Ritual, Dispel, Counterspelling and Wards.

Ritualist : They gain Ritualist as a bonus feat. This ability replace Arcane School. They may also use Rune Magic if they have the right Craft Skills.

[ Level 4 ] Sigil Circle : They gain access to the Sigil Circle as a Bonus Soulmeld. This replace the Arcane School power of level 4.

[ Level 8 ] Improved Implement : The Implement now also add to all spells from the Abjuration and Divination schools. This replace the Arcane School power of level 8.

[ Level 12 ] Geometer : They gain access to the Geometer as a Bonus Soulmeld. This replace the Arcane School power of level 12.

[ Level 16 ] Greater Implement : The Implement now work on all spells cast by the Wizard. This replace the Arcane School power of level 16.

[ Level 20 ] ??? : .... This replace the Arcane School power of level 20.

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